Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Shooting Time...

Shooting -
On the 23rd of January we shot the first part of our opening, however we bumped into a few problems, as we are at school all day and rely on our actors, it was a huge problem when it got to about 5 and it was to dark to film. We only had time to capture three different shots that we could actually use properly in our production. Furthermore we will need to download or get our music to fit in with our production. We will need to do this sooner rather than later and also find a solution to the darkness and filming times.
We will also need to reschedule to a different day as one of our actors is un-able to attend to one of the dates. It shouldn't be a huge problem but with that in mind it will leave us less time to record more shots and less time to edit it all together. 

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