Monday, 12 December 2011

Conventions of HORROR films...SOUND!

The music in the background of the opening scene is crucial for the effect it will have on the audience. For example; silence can create a sinister feel to the scene and creates a build up of tension as it usually suggest that something is going to jump out or something sudden is going to happen! However having some classical instruments involved works really well to create tension as well, as shown in the clip from Halloween which does both of the techniques above: Silence and build up of music. Build up of music is mostly used for horror films as a whole as it can create many different feelings to the audience from having different instruments playing at the same time or the tempo it's being played at.

Editors put in are sound effects to create different tensions as well in the scene and are very effective as well! For example adding in a crashing or abnormal sound frightens the viewer and can even create a tense or apprehensive feeling about what they are about to see next; I feel this is shown exceptionally well in the film "Se7en". It has weird crashing sounds in the clip and also involves some odd sounds that haven't been heard  before or you couldn't put an object to the thing creating the sound. 

Sticking to shocking and making the audience jump or be apprehensive on what they are going to be viewing next, a simple but effective piece of music is played when something has gone wrong or something has just happened for example this scene in "Insidious" as the child screams there is a sudden BOOM on the drums to startle and shock the viewer; ultimately creating tension and keeping the viewer on the end of their seats.  

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